Got Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain affects 4.5 million people per year. 200,000 people have rotator cuff reattachment surgery and 400,000 people have shoulder surgery due to issues related to tendonitis or partial tears every year.

These statistics are quoted by the November 20th issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

These statistics are recorded as a result of people with shoulder pain seeking out medical care from an orthopedic surgeon. How many Americans are suffering on a daily basis but do nothing? How long have these individuals had shoulder pain, restricted range of motion, or even total loss of motion before they sought help? These are the unanswered questions neither the study nor the statistics represent. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of Americans are suffering from shoulder pain, limited or loss of range of motion and do nothing.

Dr. Bouma has suffered from shoulder problems in the past as a result of his job, working out, and previous athletic injuries. He has had injections and some physical therapy as well. However, the most successful improvements that he has found to be is a combination of chiropractic extremity adjustments, exercise, massage therapy, body and posture changes.

The success he has created for himself and others has saved them from a potential shoulder surgery, months of rehabilitation, thousands of dollars and precious time not feeling well.

If you have shoulder problems, make an appointment for a consultation and treatment options, and begin to finally get some relief.